Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Collège Boréal, BarrieBarrie Francophone community college offering: * French as a Second Language program * contract training (French and English) * e-learning (French only) * Spanish classes * Academic upgrading in French, Mat ...
Georgian College, Bracebridge Campus, Georgian College, Bracebridge CampusBracebridge COVID-19 Response The Muskoka Campus is only open to Georgian College students. It is not open to public until further notice. Regular Service: Georgian College Muskoka is a regional campus dedicated ...
University of Waterloo [Central East], Waterloo, Centre for Extended LearningKitchener Through UW distance education you can complete credit courses without attending on-campus classes. Using a package of materials prepared by a UW instructor, you can study when and where it's most conv ...