You performed a search for: Provincial/Federal Crown Counsel

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There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordAdvocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario

Map RecordAdvocacy Centre for Tenants OntarioToronto Specialty legal clinic * works to better the housing situation of low income Ontario residents including tenants, housing cooperative members and homeless people * no direct legal services for indivi ... [More]

Map RecordLegal Aid Ontario, Barrie - 85 Bayfield St, Central District Office

Map RecordLegal Aid Ontario, Barrie - 85 Bayfield St, Central District OfficeBarrie Applications for legal representation available to Ontario low-income residents involved in some types of court matters: * including family, criminal, mental health, and immigration litigation * if a ... [More]

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Bracebridge Court House, Crown Attorney

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Bracebridge Court House, Crown AttorneyBracebridge Responsible for prosecuting all offences under the Criminal Code of Canada and other federal statutes such as the Youth Criminal Justice Act (formerly Young Offenders Act) occurring within the Distri ... [More]