Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
AboutFaceNorth York West Provides emotional, peer and social support, resources, educational programs and public awareness for and on behalf of individuals with facial differences and their families
Adoption Council of OntarioToronto Adoption resource centre * workshops and seminars for prospective adoptive parents, and child welfare and mental health professionals * Youth Network includes youth-led education, advocacy, and peer ...
AURA, TorontoToronto Provides support and expertise to groups involved in refugee sponsorship and resettlement * refugee sponsorship training, toolkit and online resource centre * spreads public awareness of refugee need ...
Bayshore Home Care Solutions, Barrie -128 Wellington St WBarrie Provides in home and in clinic nursing care and in home personal support care throughout the North Simcoe Muskoka Region * Ambulatory Care Clinics are located in Barrie, Orillia and Midland * PSW leve ...
Diabetes CanadaToronto Downtown Central Education and services for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals * advocates on behalf of people with diabetes * supports and funds diabetes research * develops and publishes clinical prac ...
Eating Disorders Anonymous, Online/Web ServiceBarrie Twelve-Step program where individuals share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from their eating disorders
General Topics and Information - Central East, Muskoka District, Flu Clinic Schedules, Central East OntarioBracebridge Online source for flu clinic locations - Vaccines411 Flu Shot Finder or to search for various other locations in the community, visit Government of Canada-Find a Flu Shot Clinic PLEASE NOTE Pharmacis ...
Georgian Bay Turtle HospitalOro-Medonte Animal hospital for turtles offering: * rehabilitation of injured turtles * incubation of recovered eggs * activities related to the conservation of turtles * public education * population monitoring ...
Gilda's Club Simcoe MuskokaBarrie FREE emotional and social support to anyone whose life has been impacted by cancer, services include: * professionally facilitated Support Groups * short-term counselling (including grief counselling) ...
Green Communities CanadaPeterborough Promotion of community health * supports local and regional groups, coalitions and networks (social, environmental, economic, and political) that are working on healthy city or healthy community initi ...
Hydrocephalus CanadaEtobicoke Central National organization that supports and and provides information to people with hydrocephalus or spina bifida and their families * personal support through online forum, support groups or one-to-one l ...
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada - Ontario RegionNorth York East Funds blood cancer research projects, access to information and services, creates awareness, advocates and supports people with blood cancers Services and Programs: * First Connection Caregiver Suppor ...
Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - 3rd Floor, Community Treatment Order Coordination ServiceBarrie A Community Treatment Order (CTO) is a physician's order for community based treatment for individuals living with a serious mental illness who have had repeated hospital admissions and require ongoi ...
Simcoe Muskoka Skillforce, Barrie, Literacy and Basic Skills Support OrganizationBarrie Simcoe/Muskoka Skillforce functions as a Regional Literacy Network and Local Workforce Development Board Regional Literacy Network is a regional support organization for adult literacy programs * prof ...
Tuberous Sclerosis Canada Sclérose TubéreuseBarrie Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a congenital genetic disease characterized by certain skin abnormalities and birthmarks, tuber-like growths in the eyes, the brain, and other internal organs, and v ...
YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Barrie - Bayfield St, Youth Gambling Awareness ProgramBarrie Educational prevention program geared towards youth, using harm reduction to raise awareness regarding: * gambling, healthy/active living and helping youth to make informed decisions about gambling an ...