Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Canadian Centre for Housing Rights, Eviction Prevention and Tenant ServicesToronto Housing Stabilization * providing legal information and resources to help them address discrimination in their home. * negotiating on their behalf with property owners and managers in situations of h ...
Canadian Human Rights CommissionOttawa Canadian Human Rights Commission: * administers the Canadian Human Rights Act * handles complaints (including sexual harassment) against organizations * carries out compliance audits of employers and ...
Canadian Snowbird AssociationToronto Includes advocacy group fighting to defend the Canadian Health Act
Circles Muskoka, Bracebridge, YWCA MuskokaBracebridge Community collaborative to reduce poverty led by YWCA Muskoka and community partners. Matches low income families (Circle Leaders) with community volunteers of a higher income (Allies). Meets weekly ...
Coalition on the Niagara EscarpmentHamilton Dedicated to promoting and protecting the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve offers a variety of ways to get to know, learn to love and decide to protect the Niagara Escarpment - Your UNESCO B ...
Dying With Dignity CanadaToronto Advocates for assisted dying rules that respect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, improving quality of dying, and protecting end-of-life rights * personal support to adults suffering from ...
Earth Day CanadaToronto Downtown National charity that inspires and supports people across the country to connect with nature and build resilient communities * leads an annual Earth Day campaign in conjunction with free, year-round p ...
Elder Abuse Prevention OntarioEtobicoke Central Registered Charitable, Non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse and neglect of older adults, under the Ontario Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse Seniors Safety Line - Free c ...
Friends of Muskoka Midwives, BracebridgeBracebridge Supports Muskoka families in making informed birth and natural parenting choices through education, midwifery advocacy, and collaboration among birth professionals.
Muskoka Indigenous Friends Cultural Centre, Cultural Centre, Muskoka Indigenous Friendship CentreGravenhurst Provides gathering hubs across Muskoka for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people. Places where Indigenous culture is celebrated, friendships made, knowledge and skills are shared. For the Indigenous, ...
Prisoners HIV / AIDS Support Action Network, Toronto, Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action NetworkToronto Community-based prisoner health and harm reduction organization that provides support, education and advocacy to prisoners and ex-prisoners * system advocacy * counselling in person or by telephone (c ...
Prosper Canada, Financial EmpowermentToronto Assistance in developing programs which focus on financial literacy and coaching, helping people with low income to file taxes and access government benefits, improving access for low income people t ...
Severn Sound Environmental AssociationTay A Joint Municipal Services Board under the Municipal Act (Section 202). It was originally founded in 1997 as a partnership between federal, provincial and municipal partners to support the completion ...
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East], Muskoka - No Physical Address, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario. Muskoka District  Assists people with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation Services include: * counselling on disability related i ...
Vision Impaired Peer Support, Mailing AddressHuntsville Addresses the needs and concerns of blind/low vision residents in Muskoka * Support for anyone losing their sight * Advocates on issues that impact the lives of vision impaired people ...