Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Business Development Bank of Canada, BarrieBarrie Business development bank which helps Canadian businesses through financing, advisory services and capital, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. * support entrepreneurs in all industrie ...
Muskoka Small Business CentreBracebridge Assists in the development of small businesses through the following services: * Free and confidential business consultations * Arrangements can be made for a consultant to visit your site if needed * ...
Ontario. Ministry of Economic Development and Growth, Simcoe Muskoka OfficeSpringwater Consultants work with manufacturers and exporters by: * assessing their current situation * supporting the development of future plans * providing options for achieving their goals * linking firms wit ...
Parry Sound Area Community Business and Development CentreParry Sound Provides business loans to a maximum of $300,000. Loans will either maintain or create employment opportunities. Also provides: * business consulting * business library of information for public acces ...
Service Canada, Bracebridge, Service Canada CentreBracebridge One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services including: Assistance locating and applying for: * Employment Insurance * Social Insurance Numbers * Canada Pension Plan * ...
Service Canada, Orillia, Service Canada, OrilliaOrillia Available public phone and one-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services with internet access Labour market information Assistance locating and applying for: * Employmen ...
Service Canada, Parry Sound, Service Canada CentreParry Sound One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including Employment Insurance, Social Insura ...
The HUBHuntsville Co-working space designed to provide work space, meeting space, and business support. Equipped with one Gig internet speed, shared resources, easy access to the highway and ample parking.