Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Business Development Bank of Canada, BarrieBarrie Business development bank which helps Canadian businesses through financing, advisory services and capital, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. * support entrepreneurs in all industrie ...
Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Agricultural Loans ActOttawa A loan guarantee program designed to increase the availability of loans to farmers and agricultural co-operatives * farmers, and new farmers can use loans to establish, improve, and develop farms * ag ...
Farm Credit Canada, ThorntonEssa Provides financing, insurance, software, learning programs and other business services for producers, agribusinesses and agri-food operations A Crown corporation reporting to Parliament through the Mi ...
Muskoka Community Futures Development CorporationBracebridge Supports businesses and entrepreneurs in Muskoka by providing loans and advice to businesses at any stage, from start-up to growth, and in any sector.
Muskoka Small Business CentreBracebridge Assists in the development of small businesses through the following services: * Free and confidential business consultations * Arrangements can be made for a consultant to visit your site if needed * ...
Ontario. Ministry for Seniors and AccessibilityToronto Oversees compliance with and enforcement of Ontario's accessibility laws, develops and maintains accessibility standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), supports d ...
Ontario. Ministry of Economic Development and Growth, Simcoe Muskoka OfficeSpringwater Consultants work with manufacturers and exporters by: * assessing their current situation * supporting the development of future plans * providing options for achieving their goals * linking firms wit ...
Ontario. Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment/Ministry of Research and Innovation, 56 Wellesley St. W, Entrepeneur Branch Summer Company ProgramToronto Downtown Summer Company Program, Students creating and operating their own business. For returning to school students, age 15-29, and if their application is accepted and after submitting a business plan, the ...
Parry Sound Area Community Business and Development CentreParry Sound Provides business loans to a maximum of $300,000. Loans will either maintain or create employment opportunities. Also provides: * business consulting * business library of information for public acces ...
Service Canada, Bracebridge, Service Canada CentreBracebridge One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services including: Assistance locating and applying for: * Employment Insurance * Social Insurance Numbers * Canada Pension Plan * ...
Service Canada, Orillia, Service Canada, OrilliaOrillia Available public phone and one-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services with internet access Labour market information Assistance locating and applying for: * Employmen ...
Service Canada, Parry Sound, Service Canada CentreParry Sound One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including Employment Insurance, Social Insura ...
The HUBHuntsville Co-working space designed to provide work space, meeting space, and business support. Equipped with one Gig internet speed, shared resources, easy access to the highway and ample parking.
YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Huntsville - King William St, Integrated Employment ServicesHuntsville Employment resources and coaching to find sustainable employment in Ontario * assessment of skills, interests and abilities * job search strategies and support, including resume development and inter ...