Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Alzheimer Society of Muskoka, First Link ProgramBracebridge Helps people living with dementia and their family make informed choices so they can live better with dementia at every stage of the disease * Assists with identifying and accessing the information, ...
Asperger's Society of OntarioToronto Downtown North Provides support as well as educational information for people with Asperger's Syndrome and their families * goals include enhancing public and professional awareness around Asperger's Syndrome, inclu ...
Brainworks HuntsvilleHuntsville Serves a broad range of clients, from those looking to optimize their mental health performance or brain functioning, to those recovering from serious injury or loss, such as brain injury, chronic pai ...
Gilda's Club Simcoe MuskokaBarrie FREE emotional and social support to anyone whose life has been impacted by cancer, services include: * professionally facilitated Support Groups * short-term counselling (including grief counselling) ...
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East], Muskoka - No Physical Address, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario. Muskoka District  Assists people with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation Services include: * counselling on disability related i ...