Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada, Peterborough District OfficePeterborough Provides services and benefits to meet the health, social and economic needs of veterans, Canadian Forces members, retired members and their dependents. Services include: * Health services - hearing ...
Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services, Bracebridge Office, Income and Employment Supports - Ontario Disability Support ProgramBracebridge A provincial program that provides income and employment supports to persons with disabilities who are in need of financial assistance.
Social Benefits TribunalToronto Hears appeals on decisions affecting eligibility or amount of social assistance under Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Programs * also hears appeals on assistance being cancelled, reduced ...
Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals TribunalToronto Downtown This office is the final level of appeal, who hear and decide appeals from final decisions of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Appeals Branch. Workers and employers who have made a WSIB claim ...