Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
District of Muskoka, Bracebridge - Taylor Rd, Emergency Management ServicesBracebridge Emergency Services is responsible for delivering the land ambulance program. Coordinates services in the event of a large scale emergency in the District of Muskoka. Raises awareness in the community ...
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, Emergency Department, Huntsville District Memorial Hospital SiteHuntsville Emergency room care. Doctors, nurses and other health professionals assess and treat life-threatening injuries or severe illness. Learn about other options for care at ...
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, Huntsville District Memorial Hospital SiteHuntsville Huntsville District Memorial Hospital is a 56-bed acute care facility offering in-patient services, a 24/7 Emergency Department and some outpatient services. Other services include * Cardiorespirator ...
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, South Muskoka Memorial Hospital - Bracebridge, South Muskoka Memorial Hospital SiteBracebridge South Muskoka Memorial Hospital is a 59-bed acute care facility offering inpatient services, a 24/7 Emergency Department and some outpatient services. Other services include: * Cardiorespiratory * Cli ...
Muskoka Ambulance Communications ServiceBracebridge Call taking and dispatch of ambulances for both emergency and facility treatment transfer. Provides Full Dispatch Service for three fire Departments consisting of Bracebridge Fire, Muskoka Lakes Fire ...
RNR Patient Transfer Services, OrilliaOrillia Provides local and long-distance non-urgent medical transfers.  Special event medical coverage. First aid, CPR, AED, EFR, EMR,  WHMIS training. Provides non-urgent patient transportation including Bar ...