Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
General Topics and Information - Central East, Muskoka District, Flu Clinic Schedules, Central East OntarioBracebridge Online source for flu clinic locations - Vaccines411 Flu Shot Finder or to search for various other locations in the community, visit Government of Canada-Find a Flu Shot Clinic PLEASE NOTE Pharmacis ...
General Topics and Information - Central East, Disease Information and Facts - Zika Virus  The Public Health Agency of Canada and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that the Zika virus disease is primarily spread though the bite of an infected mosquito ...
North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, Burk's Falls Office, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, Private Drinking Water TestingBurk's Falls The Health Unit provides services and programs for: * Communicable Disease Control * Emergency Preparedness * Environmental Health * Healthy Families * Healthy Living * Healthy Schools * Oral Health * ...
Northern Air Quality ServicesBarrie Indoor air quality testing and resources for mold, bacteria, asbestos, Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) and radon. Free 24 hour support services for low income and cooperative housing tenants with q ...
Ontario. Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Barrie OfficeBarrie Local office of Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks * protects Ontario's air, land, water, species at risk and their habitats * monitors quality of outdoor environment comprising air, wate ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Spills Action CentreToronto Emergency service * monitoring of spills and coordination of emergency response * anonymous pollution reporting * blue-green algae information and reporting * addresses after-hours environmental emer ...
Public Health Ontario, Orillia Office, Public Health Ontario, Orillia OfficeOrillia Services include: * Coordinating infection prevention and control activities * Support infection control professionals in their on-site role * Facilitate knowledge transfer, information sharing, and c ...
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Barrie Head Office - 15 Sperling DrBarrie Public health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living Services include: * Immunization and screening for infectious diseases * Investigation and monitoring of reported ...
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Gravenhurst Branch - 5 Pineridge Gate, Environmental Health DepartmentGravenhurst Focuses on maintaining clean, healthy environments and providing information and programs to ensure that people in the community have safe food, clean water, and protection from disease * food establ ...
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Gravenhurst Branch - 5 Pineridge GateGravenhurst Public health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living Services include: * Immunization and screening for infectious diseases * Investigation and monitoring of reported ...
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Huntsville Branch - 34 Chaffey St, Environmental Health DepartmentHuntsville Focuses on maintaining clean, healthy environments and providing information and programs to ensure that people in the community have safe food, clean water, and protection from disease * food establ ...
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Huntsville Branch - 34 Chaffey StHuntsville Public health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living Services include: * Immunization and screening for infectious diseases * Investigation and monitoring of reported ...
Workers Health and Safety Legal ClinicToronto Community legal clinic * advice and representation * advocacy * research and consultation for individuals * community education * law reform * referrals to union organizers * outreach, particularly to ...