Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Barrie Manor Enhanced Care CommunityBarrie Retirement and Enhanced Care Assisted Living residence for Older Adults * Transitional home for residents waiting for their long term care placement * accommodation options include private, semi-priv ...
Gravenhurst Against Poverty, Gravenhurst, Wellness ProgramGravenhurst G.A.P Wellness Programs Include: Soup Day/Coffee Time Social: * Enjoy soup, coffee, snacks and good company * Program is open to anyone * No registration required, just drop in Community Kitchen: * L ...
Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Regional Kidney Care Program Simcoe Muskoka at OSMH - Meals Made Easy, Orillia - 170 Colborne St WOrillia Offers prepared meals with kidney dietary restrictions in mind so kidney care patients can eat healthier and within their dietary requirements. * Kidney friendly frozen meals that can be purchased thr ...
Owen Hill Care Community, Barrie, Long Term Care HomeBarrie 53 bed long-term care home with 24-hour nursing and personal care includes basic, semi-private and private accommodation Additional services include: * counseling * restorative care * physiotherapy, ...
Parry Sound Friendship CentreParry Sound Provides programs to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal people. Activities and programs include: * youth and community action program for children * community kitchen * community development ...
Salvation Army, Gravenhurst - 620 Muskoka Rd N, Community and Family Services - GravenhurstGravenhurst Provides the following programs on a case by case basis: * emergency food bank * clothing * emotional and spiritual care * emergency services * volunteers * donations * summer kid's camp program * su ...
Salvation Army (The), Huntsville - Mary St, Food BankHuntsville Food Bank by appointment. Clothing vouchers for the Thrift Store, see separate listing, may be available.
United Way Simcoe Muskoka, Muskoka District, Urgent Needs Fund - Muskoka DistrictBracebridge A discretionary fund available to provide individuals in the District of Muskoka, who are experiencing or are at-risk of poverty, emergency financial assistance with modest one-time grants to address ...