Service Canada
Site: Virtual Service
Service: Registered Disability Savings Plan
Record #:
Last Modified:
30 Jul 2020
Last Full Update:
29 May 2017
Description (Service) | A long-term savings plan to help Canadians with disabilities and their families save for the future. If you are a Canadian resident under age 60 and are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (Disability Amount), you may be eligible to open an RDSP. Earnings accumulate tax-free, until money is taken out of the RDSP. Parents or guardians may open an RDSP for a minor. With written permission from the holder, anyone can contribute to the RDSP. If you have a RDSP, the Government can provide the following to assist in saving money: * Canada Disability Savings Bond - the Government provides matching grants of up to 300%, depending on the amount contributed and the beneficiary’s family income. The maximum is $3,500 each year, with a limit of $70,000 over your lifetime. Grants will be paid into the RDSP until the end of the calendar year in which the beneficiary turns 49. * bonds of up to $1,000 annually, to assist low and modest-income families. The limit is $20,000 over the beneficiary’s lifetime. You do not need to make any contributions to the RDSP in order to receive the bond. Bonds will be paid into the RDSP until the end of the calendar year in which the beneficiary turns 49. Several financial organizations offer the RDSP, the grant and the bond. To open an RDSP, contact one of the following participating financial organizations to complete a registration form: * CIBC Securities Inc * BMO Bank of Montreal * Bank of Nova Scotia * Central 1 Trust Company * Central 1 Credit Union * Desjardins Trust Inc. * Investors Group Trust Co. Ltd. * Les Fonds d'investissement FMOQ inc. (for Québec residents) * Mackenzie Financial Corporation * RBC Royal Bank * TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. * Global Growth Assets Inc. Additional French website: |
Service Details
Hours | Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm |
Areas Served | Canada |
Eligibility | Any person who is: • Eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (disability amount); • A Canadian resident; and • Under 60 years of age (if you are 59 years of age, you must apply before the end of the calendar year in which you turn 59). Parents or guardians may open an RDSP for a minor. Grants and bonds will be paid until the end of the calendar year in which the beneficiary turns 49. |
Application | Registration form available from participating financial institutions * grant application must be done through the financial organization where you have your RDSP |
Languages | English ; French |
Address and Location
Located In Community | Canada |
Mailing Address | c/o Canada Disability Savings Program, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Bag 61 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV Gatineau, QC K1A 0J9 |
Contact Information
Office Phone | Service Canada: 1-800-622-6232 (1-800-O-CANADA) * 1-866-204-0357 (Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm) |
TTY Phone | Service Canada: 1-800-926-9105 | | |
Website | |