Salvation Army (The), Christmas Assistance, Huntsville - Mary St | Huntsville |
A gift/ toy and food hamper program. * Hamper includes turkey, fresh fruit and vegetables, stuffing, canned goods and toys for children * All donations accepted at the Church office at 4 Mary Street. ... |
Salvation Army (The), Huntsville - Centre St, Family Thrift Store | Huntsville |
Sells clothing, household items and other new/used products. Donations can be dropped of at the store Mon, Wed and Fri during business hours. |
Salvation Army (The), Huntsville - Mary St, Food Bank | Huntsville |
Food Bank by appointment. Clothing vouchers for the Thrift Store, see separate listing, may be available. |
Salvation Army (The), Huntsville - Mary St, Seniors Community Lunch | Huntsville |
Community luncheon for seniors held once a month. |