Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
John Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E, Community Service Order Program - AdultOrillia For adults who have been court-ordered to complete community service hours as per their probation order * case manager assists in facilitating and overseeing the completion of community service hours ...
John Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St EOrillia Nonprofit social service agency with a mandate of Effective, Just and Humane Responses to Crime and Its Causes Services include: * Institutional Services * Community Service Order Program - Adult * C ...
John Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka, Orillia - 17 Colborne St E, Non-Residential Attendance Centre - North SimcoeOrillia Provides community programming to youth (ages 12-17) to help them become accountable for their actions by addressing the risk factors that have led to their involvement in the justice system * provid ...